It starts with Common Prosperity

Creating a platform for those struggling to make ends meet, standing side by side with the poor, hearing the financially muted, and, recognising collaboration where others see profit centres.

This not only takes courage but a strong value system where all participants work towards a new capitalistic system where everyone profits and succeeds, without greed.

EESUp has build its value system around three core areas: our cause, our customers, and our conduct.

Breaking new ground requires a strong belief in your purpose. Our first value is centred on common prosperity; as a community we rise or fall together, our focus in every step will remain the inclusion of every member in the economical outcome in every project.

For EESUp, success is determined by two critical factors:

perseverance/grit; the ability to keep going in the face of adversity, for there will be powerful elements in whose interests it is to maintain the status quo; and

resilience/spirit; fall down seven times, stand up eight. Acknowledging that we will experience challenges encourages us to approach this new economic possibility with confidence, when we fall we will get up, there is always an answer to every challenge.

At the core of the problem EESUp is addressing is indifference, the lack of recognising the poor, which drives our first value in our customer focussed value system; consciousness, which is the greatest agent for change. Only when we really see our customer, we recognise him/her to serve him/her.

The current state of the world reflects its inability to show compassion, capitalism has evolved into greed where the consumer has become the object of maximising profit often against diminishing value for the benefit of a select few. At EESUp we look beyond our own pain to see the pain of our customers.

Part of economic empowerment is taking a greater responsibility for service within your community. EESUp’s solutions lives by “I am because we are” creating a two-way highway where there are no traffic jams along the extra mile. Our rating systems apply to both customers and suppliers in our value chain, thus, keeping all parties accountable.

At EESUp we have an abundance mindset where we believe that there is more than enough for everyone in the value chain, this is reflected in the generous share of profits generated in communities flowing back to communities. Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have, could this be the reason why several of the world’s richest people in recent years committed to redistribute significant portions of their wealth back into good causes.

I am accountable because we are all accountable. EESUp provides every participant the means to participate through the applications we developed and the ability to participate through the structured training and development programs we offer appropriate for each level of participation, this is good as every person can participate optimally but even better every person is now accountable; accountability breeds responsibility leading to ownership.

I am because we are, is highly dependent on each participant firstly being accountable to themselves, responsible for how they behave when no one is looking. Individual integrity is key to the economical success of the whole community, and the community deserves to be protected against participants lacking in this area.

EESUp subscribes to being transparent, this will ultimately result in trust and a deep sense of security. Our applications are developed to provide full transparency around the economic benefit generated and its distribution.

EESUp; it’s the radical idea of building new forms of engagement between the market and the consumer anchored in our values linked to accountability towards each other.